Thursday, September 4, 2008

Soy Adelante De Yo Mismo

According to, the title means, "I'm ahead of myself". I plan on using that site often to write my titles in different languages.

Speaking of different languages, don't you just love songs that aren't in English? I mean, English allows most of us to understand what the lyrics are saying, the main point of the song, but what about words that are uncharted territory to us? How about French or Israeli lyrics?

Carla Bruni, France's First Lady, is amazing. Her cashmere voice and acoustic playing mesh incredibly well. It's like she's waltzing with her instrument.

I took three years of French so far and I barely know what's she's saying. It's sounds amazing. The best part is is the fact that two years ago, she did an album in English and it bombed in the US. Soon after, she went back to French and was golden again. Funny.

I know we've all seen this ad. She is wonderful. Yael Naim is the love child of Ingrid Michaelson and Regina Spektor. Now that baby can sing. She's very witty. Ms. Naim redefines "a little ditty". She just bops along, but with a seriousness and sophistication. Very good stuff.

That's enough foreign studies for one evening.

In my head: "In My Head" by Anna Nalick

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the phrase "cashmere voice." And this post's focus on the magical mystery of foreign language in music. Again, your passion for music makes this blog interesting. And who doesn't love being exposed to new kinds of music. Great work!