Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Yo Le Podría Tener Para Siempre

I am such a girl. I am madly, passionately in love with Ray LaMontagne('s voice). His voice is tastes like honey and feels like that old fleece blanket in January. It sounds so familiar, like you can't put your finger on it. I'm really starting to get into his music and I was in my friend's car and on her mix CD was this song by him called "Hold You In My Arms". It's incredibly beautiful. It's an audio hug. Seriously. Now, below, I have posted three videos of the same song. This might be considered excessive, but once you hear about 1 minute or so, or at least the first chorus, you won't mind listening to it a few times. So get to swaying, starting with the studio recording.

Here is the original studio version:

This is the live version:

Alright, I'm an Office fan. I'm not hardcore about the show, but here's the song one last time with the storyline of Jim and Pam, who I like to call "Jam". Very cute.

Title: "I Could Hold You Forever" in Spanish
In my head: "Hannah" by Ray LaMontagne (I'm dead serious. I love this song. I wish that he would call my name in real life like he does in this song. So gorgeous. Like I said, I'm such a chick ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are such an awesome writer with all your similies and blunt bubblieness! it's amazing
but NOT as amazing as YOU!!!
i love you
and now i'm REALLY likin Ray..
can you make me a cd of his stuff?