Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Solo I Crepacuori Mi Hanno Dato Avvista

I am still floating on that pillow cloud I mentioned earlier. I found out its name. It's called Cloud 9, tentatively nicknamed Joshua Radin.

I am sinking in "They Will Bring Me To You" off of his brand new Simple Things release from a few weeks ago. I feel like it's so rare that I ache for a song that I own and do not have to worry about listening to iTunes' 30 second previews fifty times in one sitting to satisfy. Its title sort of freaked me out a little bit, but then I heard this and felt like a filled parachute, taking its time to glide to earth. Here is the song that makes me melt like my Ben & Jerry's in the "freezer" of my fridge at school. Quickly.

Joshua Radin is amazing, P.S. Flaws are hard to find on Simple Things. The only one that I can find after listening the entire thing twice is the fact that "I'd Rather Be With You" sounds too much like Jason Mraz. That's it. That's the worst I can say. He is so very talented and I am just sad that I cannot see him live anytime soon to soak Simple Things in live. If you have a problem with Radin, you have a problem with me. Seriously. Kidding...sorta.

Title: "Only the Heartaches Have Given Me Sight" in Italian
In My Head: "These Photographs" by Joshua Radin v. "Disturbia" by Rihanna


Anonymous said...

you are SO right about that song!
it IS like a parachute!
really soothing.
makes me wanna fall asleep like you said too!
i love how you poetically describe the song and make many similies (:

lil lep! <3

Hannah said...

So, I am sitting in my friend's room and I haven't heard this song since I wrote this blog and I just started crying. How dorky and creepy is that? VERY.