On Friday night, I had the pleasure of watch The Darjeeling Limited for the first time with two of my favorite people: Julia, my suitemate, and her boyfriend, Jason. If you ever a get a chance to see it, take it. Takes place in India, and about three brothers. That's all I'm spilling. In the footsteps of Nike, just see it.
Before the movie, there is a short film entitled Hotel Chevalier. At the three minute mark of this thirteen minute short, an accordian opens to an unfamiliar, but catchy and lovely tune, followed quickly by a man's comparing his lovely lady to some French woman. It comes from Jason Schwartzman's iHome, before answering the door to find Natalie Portman asking the exact question the audience is: "What's this music?"
While watching this, I grabbed a post-it pad and a pink pen to scribble some of the lyrics to google them later and unveil this precious musical not-quite-antique baby ruby.
Note: Even though it's a short film, it's rated R, so I am giving you the first part as a free sample. If you actually want to taste the entire cone, look it up on YouTube.
"Where Do You Go To, My Lovely" by Peter Sarstedt, a one hit wonder from 1969.
I did not find a video that I like for this song, but I'm sure the film snippet was a chocolate-covered pretzal - sweet with a little bite.
Title: "Diamonds And Pearls In Your Hair" in French
In My Head: "Put A Record On" by Unkle Bob (star of the next post)
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