Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Quelque Chose Arrive, C'est Pour Moi ?

So, my youth pastor, who is also a close friend of mine, is the biggest Toad The Wet Sprocket fan on the planet. He introduced to the awe...someness of Toad and Glen Phillips, its lead singer/songwriter. For most of us in the dark, there are this early 1990's band that is underestimated and too often overlooked. I think they are just fabulous.

Thanks to Princeton Record Exchange in my native Jersey, I got two of their albums, Fear and Dulcinea. I highly recommend these brilliant gentlemen. Very talented folks.

My current favorite of theirs is called "Is It For Me". It's awesome. It's such a great, youthful song. Here's the original video.So old school and cool!! :

Now, here's where the fun begins. Spongebob and Patrick lip syncing to "Is Is For Me?". Awe...some. (Inside joke, sorry.)

Title: "Something is happening,is it for me?" in French
In My Head: "Before There Was Time" by Caedmon's Call

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ridiculously awesome song, you're right.