Saturday, September 13, 2008

Alléluia Il a Raison

So for about the past 48 hours or so, I've got a particular song stuck in my head. Mind you, it isn't a happy song and it's not a song I want to hear everyday. It really makes me want to cry while wrapped in a blanket. (They may frighten you, but just keep reading.) "Embracing Accusations" by Shane Barnard and Shane Everett cuts deep within less than a minute and a half. Seriously. I first heard this song on my mission trip to Georgia this past summer at a worship service. This piece just tore me to pieces. It talks about the devil overpowering Father God and enticing us to lead lives fraught with the malignant destruction that comes with humanity's nature to sin.

Now, I don't really believe in the devil, or Satan or any figure like that. I do believe that sin is a constant poison in this world and that very frequently it spreads from each one of us to each other. This song really made me think about how often we fall from grace, His grace on a daily basis. It's not one of those songs you should listen to when your iPod is on shuffle. It should sort of be respected in the way that it should be used for meditation or in your personal worship and prayer which I highly recommend. And when this gets stuck in my head, I want to listen to expel it from my mind, but I know that I should wait until I am ready to offer it up on my own time for all that I have done. My advice: 1) Do not take this song lightly, but treasure it every so often so that you may wash your stains. 2) Make it full screen as to not get distracted.

Title: "Alleluia, He is right" in French
In my head: "Embracing Accusations" by Shane and Shane

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

even after seeing that again i get goosebumps and shivers. the song's amazing.
love you sis
thank you