Sunday, September 14, 2008

Луна - магнит

Have you ever heard a song and wanted to perscribe it to a certain time of year? Christmastime does not count...Throughout 2007 and 2008, the lead singer of Switchfoot, Jon Foreman, released 4 season EP's, each containing 6 tracks. The funny/amazing part of it is is the fact that the songs actually sound like the EP to which they belong. One of my favorites on Fall EP is "The Moon Is A Magnet". It's less than two minutes and is often ignored, though its simplicity boasts its beauty. It makes you step back for a second to have a better view of your world. Contemplative, yet subtle about it. This track is very unassuming. Mind you, this even isn't Mr. Foreman at his best. For that I would recommend "The Cure For Pain" or "Your Love Is Strong".

Directions for listening to "The Moon Is A Magnet"
1) Listen to the studio recording here first. Take a listen or two to soak it in. Marinate in this autumn-esque little ditty.
2) Watch the live version below. Not as pretty, but just as smooth as the original.

3) Go here to learn more about these amazing EP's. Winter is another great one. I highly recommend these, and even if you aren't a Switchfoot fan, you should still try them. Switchfoot is okay in my book, but these tracks are just cream. Let Jon Foreman accompany you throughout every season. *Wink and smile*

Title: "The Moon Is A Magnet" in Russian
In my head: "Rebecca" by Pat McGee Band


Anonymous said...

This is great. I loved listening to the two versions of this song. Music and seasons definitely go together. Like music and memories. I loved the lone saxophone in the studio version of the song. This is a great review, and another 'discovery' for me. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

This is a great review, Hannah. I just posted a comment here, but I think it disappeared. Anyway, I'd not heard of these albums, so your review has helped me, again, to discover something new. I also love the lone saxophone in the studio version. And I agree with you that music and seasons go together. Like music and memories.

Anonymous said...

i love your lyrical writing style! very good writing!
my favorite part was the *WINKandSMILE
hehehe that was soo funny
you always make me laugh!
love you miss you
awesome blog babe!!